Monday 16 June 2014

Matariki Celebration

Matariki is the celebration of the Maori New Year. We have been learning about what it means. This year Matariki is on 28th June because that is when the 7 Matariki stars appear in the sky and this signifies a new beginning. The star cluster is also called the Pleiades and lots of other names in different countries, including Subaru in Japan where only 6 stars can be seen.
Matariki is made up of more than 500 stars but only 7 can be seen clearly in New Zealand. It stays in the sky until the following March when it disappears for 2 months during autumn.
It is a time of celebration with feasting, kai and music. It is also related to harvesting and planting and a time to remember family who have passed away.
In Room 4 we have been sharing stories, making Matariki posters and Matariki lanterns. Now we are excited to see the Matariki star cluster appear in the dawn sky on 28th June.

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