Thursday, 20 February 2014

Room 4 Students are Blooming!

We welcome the 24 new children to Room 4! What a great start everybody has made. In the first days photos were taken of each child and these have been put on to flower pictures, which they carefully coloured-in,  to show them growing with independence, confidence and knowledge..... as you will see in the photos.

We have also made a start on our art topic which involves drawing faces and human figures. We started by practicing different types of line using drawing pencils. The children experimented with straight, wavy, zig-zag lines and tried drawing circles free hand. 

We then used these skills on a first portrait drawing on newspaper using crayon and pastel then dye was applied to the background. They look quite effective and will be on display in our cloakroom. 
Watch this space for more works of art from the Room 4 Picasso's!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Room 4 children are learning about statistics for the first few weeks of the year. So far we have made pictographs about girls and boys in our class, about our families and counters that we sorted into colours. Our next graph will be about our birthdays. We have also been learning how to do tally marks. We use tally marks for our group points each week. We have four groups in the class and the group with the most points has a special treat.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Welcome to Room 4's Blog 2014

A class newsletter will be coming home shortly but we would like to welcome all our new parents and families, especially readers of our blog. We will look forward to your comments and have included some guidelines for writing blogs and making comments on the posts.