Thursday, 28 March 2013

Week 8

As I write this I'm enjoying the Easter break and I know the children of Room 4 and their families will be doing so too. Happy Easter to you all.
During the week Constable McKitrick has been working with the children in the Junior Syndicate. This involved a lesson each day working on car parks, sneaky driveways and crossing the road with and without a patrol. All the children enjoyed these lessons.
What a great time everyone had on Friday at the Tabloids. The senior children set up and ran some awesome activities for the rest of the school. We'll publish some photos next week.

Because we have two short weeks we won't be testing spelling until next Friday. The children have six words to learn but a longer time to learn them in.

Jan and I had time out on Tuesday when we wrote school reports for those who are receiving them this term. We are also busy preparing the samples for the Learning Journals which everyone will receive at the end of the term.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Welcome to the Room 4 blog, our first post for this year.  Technical issues stopped us from doing this before now. Everyone has made a great start to the year with many exciting experiences for us to share.

So far this year we've had three swims at Nayland Pool which everyone enjoyed. Photos were taken  and these are on the wall in the classroom along with a story we composed together.

The photo above was taken to go on the front of a large Thank You card for the Stoke Cycle Centre. The Stoke Cycle Centre advertises on the back of our newsletter.

Today Chris Fortune brought his Kids Can Cook mobile kitchen to school. All the children went to view and take part in his presentation. Caitlin was the Sous chef at our presentation. The photos below give you some idea of how it was set out. We all had the opportunity to taste a piece of crepe at the end.